Monthly Archives: June 2022

How and Where to Recover From Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction rehab in Bali

Overcoming drug or alcohol addiction is not easy. One of the main concerns during the journey to recovery is the possibility of relapse. Choosing the right drug and alcohol rehab center is a crucial first step in regaining long term health. This is because a suitable rehab center will provide the compassionate healthcare staff, individually tailored treatment programs, effective medication, and relaxed environment needed to recover and regain control of your life. Continue reading


How Can Meditation Music Help You Sleep?

how music helps sleep

Sleep is an integral component of good physical and mental health. Sleep gives your organs and muscles the time they need to relax and repair damaged cells. However, due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and increasing stress at work or school, most people don’t get the sleep they need. The sleep experts at Sweet Island Dreams believe that many common sleep issues today can be resolved by making simple lifestyle changes. Listening to music is one effective suggestion. Continue reading


Tips on Getting Compensation If You Develop Anxiety After A Car Accident

anxiety after car accident

It is not uncommon for people to develop anxiety or other mental health issues after a car accident. In fact, many car crash survivors have reported that they were in shock immediately after the event. In serious or fatal accidents, survivors may experience flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive thoughts years after the event. Surveys indicate that long term mental health issues are more common among car crash survivors who did not seek professional mental health care after the accident. Continue reading


How Online Therapy Can Help You Become A Better Partner

online therapy couple relationship

Online therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is conducted over the internet. While it can be compared to other forms of talk therapy such as face-to-face and phone counseling, online therapy does have some distinct advantages.  Continue reading


How To Stop Overreacting To Stress In 3 Easy Steps

how to manage stress

Do you overreact emotionally to certain stressful situations? For some people, it sometimes gets to the point where they may hurl expletives or other forms of verbal abuse at a family member or friend for being just a few minutes late for a car ride. Other people may feel and act as if their entire day is ruined if they drop their fork on the floor. But if we take the time to examine the situation carefully, it’s pretty easy to see that these intense emotional reactions are not consistent with what is happening in reality. Continue reading


How CBG Boosts Mental Health and Cognitive Function

CBG for mental health

Modern times call for modern solutions, which is especially true for our mental health. Many people nowadays are dealing with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, and traditional treatment methods aren’t always effective. That’s where cannabigerol (CBG) comes in. Continue reading
