Category Archives: Cognitive Psychology

Articles on the acquisition, processing, and storing of information, and the exploration of internal mental states

Efficiency Hacks for Graduate Students in Psychology

graduate studies in psychology

Graduate school in psychology can be a demanding journey. The constant stream of research, coursework, and clinical practice requires effective strategies to stay organized and productive. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate your graduate studies more efficiently. Continue reading


Self-Care Practices for Maintaining Mental Health and Wellbeing

A person sitting at a desk, writing a journal to preserve their mental health

Millions of Americans suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. And yet, many do not even know about the countless self-care practices for maintaining mental health and wellbeing. We will uncover some of the most effective practices for dealing with these issues. Let’s jump right in. Continue reading


How Hormones Influence Mental Health: Exploring the Connection

Hormones and mental health

The complex interplay between hormones and mental health is an area of increasing research and insight. Hormones like estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, and others can significantly impact mood, behavior, cognition, and psychiatric risk when they are out of balance. Understanding these connections can help inform both treatment and prevention strategies. Continue reading


Supporting Kids’ Mental Wellness At Home

Kids' mental wellness

As a parent you play a leading role in supporting your children’s mental health, especially at home. With the anxieties of life and constant stressors from school, friends, and the media to contend with, nurturing their emotional resilience and well-being has never been more important. Continue reading


Exploring Psychology: 5 Compelling Reasons to Delve into the Study of the Human Mind

why study psychology

Delving into psychology means embarking on an intellectual quest to comprehend the intricacies of the human mind and behaviour. Psychologists, as the learned navigators in this exploration, aid individuals in uncovering the whys and hows of their thoughts, emotions, and actions. While the transformative effect a psychologist can have on a person’s life is widely recognised, the rewards of choosing psychology as a profession are not always given due attention. Continue reading


The Benefits of Studying Psychology for Personal and Professional Growth

Psychology fornPersonal and Professional Growth

Studying psychology is more than just an academic pursuit; it’s a journey into understanding human behavior and the mind. This field offers invaluable insights not just for those aspiring to be psychologists but for anyone looking to enrich their personal and professional lives.  Continue reading
