How Going on Vacation May Help Your Mental Health

Traveling and mental health
We all love to travel, right? We certainly do! You’ll be pleased to know that traveling is great for more than just getting the perfect Instagram picture. One of the biggest benefits of travelling is that it significantly improves your physical health and mental health. On holidays, we tend to walk more, whether it is to the beach or pool (or bar!), which improves our mood and sleep quality. All this walking around will require adequate shoe insoles, such as the ones provided by Protalus. As a result of this, our mental health thrives.  Before you pack your suitcase,
EHIC card and favorite pair of prescription sunglasses, find out other ways traveling benefits our mental health below.
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How To Cope With Compulsive Tooth Brushing

compulsive teeth brushing

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are not always as obvious as some people may believe. However, there are a number of small indicators that may help to provide you with a rudimentary diagnosis. OCD may be expressed in a number of ways, and one of the more common signs is compulsive tooth brushing or over-brushing. This can be extremely damaging to the teeth and gums, as it can strip away the protective enamel on a person’s teeth, and leave gums bleeding, swollen, red and/or irritated. Continue reading


Examining the Psychological Impact of Disability

living with a disability

When it comes to dealing with a disability, the effects often go beyond the physical. From mobility folding scooters to physiotherapy, the physical aspects of living with a disability are often emphasized when people speak about health care or accessibility. However, it is important to remember that the psychological effects of disabilities are just as important. If you are curious about the psychological impact a disability may have, please consider the points below. Continue reading


How To Keep Your Mind Healthy When Traveling Long-Haul

psychology of traveling

The opportunity to travel across the world and experience a new culture or a new way of life is one that shouldn’t be missed. Before you travel it’s important to make sure that you have the correct documents in place, be sure to complete your ESTA visa application, if this applies, at Although most of us look forward to taking trips, traveling to a different time zone, whether it’s for work or for pleasure, can take a toll on the health of our mind and body. If you’re heading on a long-haul flight this summer, here are some tips on how to keep your mind healthy.
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How to help patients with dental phobias

treat dental phobias

For some people, the very thought of visiting the dentist may send shivers up their spine. Although many people have visited the dentist several times without incident, there are some individuals whose nerves get the better of them during their appointment. People with a fear of the dentist usually have the perception of possible discomfort or pain as the root of their fear. The truth, however, is that dentistry has come a long way in recent years, and is relatively pain-free compared to how it once was. So, how do you deal with dental-phobic patients? We thought we’d ask the Dentistry Award’s Best Dentist in London winners, the Smile Cliniq, for some tips: Continue reading
