Tag Archives: job performance

Keep Employees Happy Without the Flashy Perks

happy employees

“Susan, I’d like to have a word with you about that incident during my talk about employee engagement the other day. Please, come on down to my office at about 3:00. You know which one it is? The big one on the corner with all the windows. I have a little chair for you right in front of my great big desk. Just let my secretary’s assistant know that you are here. Her name is Sandy, I think. Don’t be late. My helicopter will be waiting to take me to that executive retreat in Telluride.” Continue reading


5 Tips For Managing Stress in the Office

occupational stressThere’s a sense of comradery when it comes to stress in the workplace, with the boss usually being the stressor and the subordinates, the sufferers. Coping with stress is never an easy task and employees often struggle at managing stress in the office environment because they are simply too busy being stressed.

Working in high stress environments increases the risk of both suffering physical illness or symptoms of psychological distress (Cooper & Cartwright, 1994; Cooper & Payne, 1988, cited in Clarke & Cooper, 2004), and also work-related accidents and injuries (Sutherland & Cooper, 1991, cited in Clarke & Cooper, 2004). Continue reading
