Tag Archives: confidence and attractiveness

The Effect of Beauty on Success and Self Confidence

woman looking into mirrorA brilliant young woman stares silently at her mirror. Unfazed, her reflection stares silently back. She takes a deep breath and dabs a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice onto her face – one of the many beauty tips recently read on howtoremovethat. Dark spots simply wouldn’t do for tomorrow’s job interview. Her belief is that it might be advantageous to appear as attractive as possible when she faces those potentially life changing questions. And as superficial as this might sound, she’s absolutely right.

Research conducted by Dr. Mikki Hebl of Rice University and Dr. Juan Madera of the University of Houston has highlighted the startling fact that persons with facial blemishes, birthmarks, scars or other facial disfigurements tend to receive lower ratings in their job interviews. Continue reading
