Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

How To Start Your Day Right And Keep Yourself Motivated

How to Motivate Yourself

We all have days when we don’t feel motivated to tackle the tasks that life throws at us. There are times when we just can’t seem to get anything done! Luckily, there are several effective ways that you can use to jump-start your day and stay motivated. From setting realistic goals to taking a few minutes for yourself, these strategies can help you stay focused and productive while achieving success. Continue reading


How to Improve Your Mental Health Daily

How to relax with music

Life gets complicated from time to time. And when problems arise in one facet of your life, it is possible for stress and anxiety to negatively affect other parts of your daily routine. People with chronic mental health concerns and individuals who are going though addiction treatment may find it particularly challenging to maintain a positive outlook. However, it is possible to give yourself a mental health boost each day. Here are a few strategies you can employ to keep your emotions under control, stay positive, and maintain your mental clarity. Continue reading


4 Reasons You Should Strive For Better Mental Health

Benefits of Good Mental Health

It’s easy for a person who is young, emotionally stable, and physically fit to ignore early warning signs of poor mental health. In fact, many people who are relatively healthy may not believe they will ever have to deal with a negative mental health condition. However, mental health issues affect people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Keep on reading to learn four reasons you should pay attention to your mental health and improve it over time. Continue reading


How Cosmetic Treatments May Impact Your Emotional And Mental Health

botox mental health

Cosmetic treatments aim to clean, improve or change the color of your hair, skin, teeth or nails. So it is not uncommon for people to seek out cosmetic treatments to improve their appearance. There are various reasons why people may choose to do this, ranging from wanting to look more attractive to others to simply wanting to feel better about themselves. Here are 4 ways getting a cosmetic treatment may positively impact your emotional and mental health. Continue reading


How Online Therapy Can Help You Become A Better Partner

online therapy couple relationship

Online therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is conducted over the internet. While it can be compared to other forms of talk therapy such as face-to-face and phone counseling, online therapy does have some distinct advantages.  Continue reading


What Is Couples Counseling?

What is couples counseling

Couples therapy, not to be confused with marriage counseling, is the process of meeting with a licensed therapist that specializes in relationships and talking over the issues that you’re facing as a couple. The purpose is to dig deep into your own issues individually as well as the obstacles within the relationship. Creating better ways to communicate and understanding each other’s actions is at the crux of the therapy – but there are many different methodologies and approaches. Continue reading
