Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

9 Ways to Soothe Your Mind When in Distress

how to improve your mental health

We all experience moments of distress in our lives. It could be due to a stressful situation at work, emotional upheaval or simply the feeling that we are overwhelmed by life’s demands. In such times, it is important to find ways to soothe your mind and regain inner peace. Fortunately, there are many simple things can do to calm down, bring back balance into your life and limit distress. Continue reading


The Ripple Effect of Financial Stress: How It Affects Your Mental Health and Social Life

what is financial stress

Today’s financial landscape is more fraught with financial problems and debt than ever before. The advent of the credit card, the extreme increase in college tuition over the past several decades and the resulting ubiquity of student loan debt, rising housing and living costs, and more have made debt an increasingly common reality. And unfortunately, this trend does not come without significant repercussions on people’s mental health.  Continue reading


What Happens If A Psychiatrist Gives You A Wrong Diagnosis?

how to fix incorrect diagnosis

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were experiencing a severe mental health issue, but the diagnosis didn’t quite add up? You may have gone to a psychiatrist for help, only to discover that your psychiatrist sees nothing wrong or is focused on a completely different concern. Unfortunately, being misdiagnosed is a common occurrence in the medical and mental health fields and it can lead to confusion and distress as you try to cope with your mental health condition. In this article we will explore why incorrect diagnoses occur and how their negative impact can be reduced moving forward. Continue reading


Helpful Ways To Deal With The Loss Of A Loved One

how to cope with grief

Life can be an unpredictable journey and while you do your best to move forward, there will inevitably come a time in your life that poses more challenges than usual—the death of someone you love. It’s one of the most difficult situations you will ever experience, but it doesn’t have to keep you down forever. In this blog post, we will discuss healthy ways that you can cope with and grieve the loss of a loved one. Continue reading


How To Take Good Care Of A Patient’s Physical and Mental Health Needs

How to provide good healthcare

If you’re a healthcare professional, then the well-being of your patients should be your top priority. Taking care of their physical and mental health and well-being is not only an ethical responsibility—it also ensures that they stay healthy, happy, and safe. However, knowing how to provide the best possible care for each patient or client can be difficult at times. With so much information available about medical treatments, types of psychotherapy, doctor visits, therapist appointments and medications, staying up to date with all the necessary details can be challenging. Continue reading


7 Psychological Tricks To Find Affordable Herb Grinders And Spend Less While Shopping

CBD grinder mental health

Many home cooks believe it’s impossible to find affordable herb grinders with the current economy. But don’t worry—buying more for less may be easier than you think! With the right knowledge and guidance, you can find great deals while shopping online or at your favorite store. In this article, we’ll discuss 7 psychological tricks you can use to find an affordable herb grinder without compromising quality. These tricks will help you get the most bang for your buck. Continue reading
