Category Archives: Love And Relationships

Psych theories and studies on attraction, love, sex and relationships

How To Combat Low Self-Confidence

Many people have low self-confidence, and it’s a problem that can affect every area of their lives. It might mean they don’t pursue relationships, or they don’t apply for jobs that would help them live a better life. Perhaps they just don’t feel as though they should do new things because they might fail.  Continue reading


When Is The Right Time To Start Marriage Therapy?

Benefits of marriage counseling

Marriage is a beautiful, loving arrangement. However, many married people view their marriage as complicated and challenging. While it is true that every marriage will experience ups and downs, many common issues can be effectively resolved or avoided completely. If you are experiencing problems in your marriage, here’s how marriage counseling may help. Continue reading


What Not To Do When Your Partner Is Suffering From Addiction

partner with addiction

Many people are eager to support a partner or loved one who is experiencing addition. In fact, some individuals may view helping their partner to overcome addiction as their number one priority. Those desires are both natural and commendable. But it is also important to remember that there are certain behaviors that should be avoided so as not to derail the journey to recovery.  Continue reading


How Online Therapy Can Help You Become A Better Partner

online therapy couple relationship

Online therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is conducted over the internet. While it can be compared to other forms of talk therapy such as face-to-face and phone counseling, online therapy does have some distinct advantages.  Continue reading


What Is Couples Counseling?

What is couples counseling

Couples therapy, not to be confused with marriage counseling, is the process of meeting with a licensed therapist that specializes in relationships and talking over the issues that you’re facing as a couple. The purpose is to dig deep into your own issues individually as well as the obstacles within the relationship. Creating better ways to communicate and understanding each other’s actions is at the crux of the therapy – but there are many different methodologies and approaches. Continue reading


Does Smoking Make You Sexy?

smoking sexy attractive

Smoking is a hot topic. It seems like everyone has an opinion, and people are often quite passionate about their stance. But one question that remains open is whether smoking makes you sexy. Some people think that smoking gives you a certain edge, but does the research back that up? Here, we’ll take a closer look at the evidence to see if smoking can make you appear more attractive to the opposite sex. Stay tuned. Continue reading
