Understanding The Benefits Of Therapy For Mental Illness

benefits of therapy

One in every five Americans reportedly suffers from some type of mental illness. Research and real-life examples have proven time and again that these conditions can be effectively treated with the right approach. While topics surrounding mental health have been destigmatized to a great extent, some people are still reluctant to seek professional treatment for their mental ailments. This is why we are here to help you understand the benefits of therapy when it comes to treating mental illnesses.


Depression is among the most common mental illnesses across the globe. Unfortunately, this is an illness that many people trivialize, and the term “depression” is often used very lightly. If individuals are sad for an extended period of time, they are quick to tell everyone how “depressed” they are. As a result, few people pay attention when the word “depression” is mentioned in everyday conversation. 

This makes people who actually suffer from depression and its symptoms (such as changes in appetite, feelings of guilt, issues with sleep, or apathy) hesitant to seek proper help. They often either play down their feelings or fear that others may dismiss them. Therapy offers well-needed emotional support and a source of trust to help sufferers overcome this dark period of their life. It offers a safe space in which the individual can dig deep into the potential causes of their depression and assess viable solutions under the guidance of a licensed mental health professional. 


Substance and alcohol addiction is a very common mental health condition. Sudden withdrawal can result in many painful and dangerous symptoms for the person with the addiction. There are many rehab facilities in Long Beach that can help you determine the right course of action for your needs. The mental health professionals at 90210 Recovery Long Beach explain that treatment programs ought to be designed to suit each patient’s unique needs. Each individual’s recovery journey is different. This is why constructing the right treatment plan is necessary. 


Anxiety is the most widespread mental health issue in the United States. Around 18% of the population struggles with anxiety. People with this condition are typically constantly on edge and carry the irrational fear that something catastrophic will happen. This causes further social obstacles and results in an inability to properly control their emotions. Anxious people often avoid certain social settings and are very self-conscious. 

Therapy can help people who struggle with anxiety to find balance in life. Over time, these individuals will explore the main causes and triggers behind their excessive worry. They will also learn how to challenge negative thoughts and control their emotions. The goal is transfer these healthy skills from the therapy session into the real world.

Obsessions and Compulsions 

People who have obsessions are constantly bothered by repetitive, undesired thoughts. These obsessions often revolve around a particular topic, which varies from one person to the other. For instance, some people are overly concerned with their weight, which is an obsession that accompanies compulsions that often contribute to the development of eating disorders. Other people are obsessed with personal hygiene or general tidiness and cleanliness. Other examples of obsessive-compulsive disorders include trichotillomania (the urge to pull out your own hair), kleptomania (the urge to steal things you don’t need), and hoarding (extreme difficult in parting with possessions). 

Psychotherapy can help those individuals identify their behaviors and provides insight into the triggers that give rise to them. This knowledge can help people with OCD to  break the cycle and modify maladaptive thoughts and actions.

These are just a few mental disorders that psychotherapy can help with. Seeking professional help will provide you with the support you need to overcome your difficulties. A mental health issue can be difficult to deal with, no matter how trivial other people may think it is. If you are struggling to cope with a mental or emotional concern, it is strongly recommend that you reach out to a licensed therapist in your area.
