Tag Archives: perception

Rory Sutherland: Sweat the Small Stuff (Video)

In this video Rory Sutherland talks about the importance of perspective in achieving success. He argues that big problems do not necessarily require big fixes and that by paying attention to the details, we can often find simpler, cheaper and better solutions.

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What Do You See? A Circles Illusion

Moving circles psychology illusion

Keep your head still, stare at the dot in the center of the image and you will see two concentric circles with broken circumferences. Move your head back and forth though, and you will experience something a bit more special.

Always remember to be flexible. A change in perspective can bring great rewards!


Can Food Be Male or Female?

food gender associations

Is your lunch male or female? Odd question to ask isn’t it? But odd as it might seem, western culture does show strong associations between gender and food. We live in a world where ladies are expected to eat either fruit or vegetable salads while manly men consume red meat. And it is not difficult to see why we have these perceptions: meat, as a product of the hunt, has been associated with strength and power for ages — two features usually linked with masculinity. In fact, so prominent is the meat-male linkage that researchers Paul Rozin, Julia M. Hormes, Myles S. Faith and Brian Wansink carried out a series of experiments to investigate it. Continue reading
