Tag Archives: no follow

3 Ways To Get More RESPECT At Work

Earn respect at workWe all want to earn the respect of our bosses and coworkers; however, many times our best efforts go unnoticed — so what options do we have to earn more respect? While working late and doing extra tasks have their merits, research suggests that we can enhance our professional image and increase our salary by focusing specifically on our outward appearance. Continue reading


Elle Fanning Brings Attention To The Effects Of Bulimia In New Short Film

The new film in which Elle Fanning stars is meant to raise awareness of the mental and physical toll eating disorders take on teens, but some are saying its gruesomeness is a bit much. Continue reading


Understanding and Conquering Phobias

fearFor most of humankind’s journey through the ages, daily life was fraught with genuine perils and terror of the unknown. Thus, it’s only natural that we experience instinctively fearful reactions to certain stimuli in the modern world, even when such fear is irrational. Problems occur when an illogical fear becomes extreme and causes a change of general behavior. Such fears are known as phobias, and identifying their presence is the first step toward overcoming them. Continue reading


Fantastic Learning Tips For Dyslexics

treating dyslexia

Imagine your frustration that your classmates have finished their tests and you are still struggling to understand the jumble of letters and words on the page. Dyslexic students cannot read efficiently or respond quickly to what they have read. People with dyslexia typically have average or above average intelligence but they labour to understand written text. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, there are several contributing factors that might lead to developing the learning disorder, including genetic makeup, brain injury, and others. Continue reading


The Psychology Of Colour In Safety Signs And Signals

Psychology of signs

Signs are an essential method of communication all over the world, irrespective of the language which supports the imagery behind them. All safety signs follow a certain layout and incorporate set images to ensure they are understood by everyone. This is especially true within the workplace as signs promote safety and provide important instructions in case of emergency. Continue reading


5 Effective Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Math Skills

ADHD and Math

Every child learns differently – some children are visual learners, some auditory, some tactile – but children with ADHD have difficulty focusing, sitting still, and are easily distracted, sometimes making it appear impossible to teach them anything. Continue reading
