Author Archives: Steve Bedwell

About Steve Bedwell

Dr. Steve Bedwell is a medical doctor and motivational speaker. He teaches business audiences how to solve problems, manage frustration and get things done. To read more of Steve’s articles visit

When Harvard Meets Hogwarts – Part 2

psychological tricks in magic

Editor’s Note: Dr. Steve Bedwell is a medical doctor who, prior to becoming a motivational speaker, taught medicine at the world famous Royal London Hospital Medical School and conducted scientific research in Europe, Australia and the US. In addition—and somewhat bizarrely—he’s also an international-award winning magician who has lectured to other magicians in over twenty countries. Steve has also been honored several times with highly-coveted awards for his original conjuring methods which fool, not only muggles, but well posted magicians. And now, over to Steve… Continue reading


When Harvard Meets Hogwarts. What Can Scientists Learn From Magicians?

the psychology of magic

As a motivational speaker, I often use magic to illustrate the key points in my speeches. Why? Well, firstly, magic is a lot more fun than PowerPoint. Secondly, magic has gained some serious credibility as scientists have begun studying magicians to learn more about how the brain works. (This research is based on the notion that, if the ladies don’t dig your “science nerd vibe,” try card tricks!) Continue reading


Cognitive Appraisal | Why An Apology Isn’t Always Enough

husband and wife arguing

Let’s pretend, hypothetically, that you’ve acted like a supreme jerk with someone who knows you well. Quite rightly, your spouse, significant other or friend isn’t having any of it and calls you out. Whereupon, after a little reflection, you realize the error of your ways and apologize unreservedly.

Then, on the cusp of receiving absolution, your friend or lover dredges up a long forgotten infraction from the pre-disco era and revisits it detail-by-detail. What the heck just happened? This common experience has deep roots in the origins of modern psychology beginning with the “father of modern psychology” himself…

William James

William James is most famous for a wildly counterintuitive hypothesis that turned out to be wrong. (Demonstrating that—regardless if you’re a psychologist, economist, or even a motivational speaker—if you want to be considered a thought leader, it’s more important to be counterintuitive than to be right.)  Continue reading
