Category Archives: Universities And Online Psychology Lectures

Information on psychology universities, schools, departments, programs and online lectures.

The Struggle to Find Acceptance for Online Course Delivery

college degree online

More colleges are offering psychology courses and full psychology degree programs online. While just a handful of universities offered such programs a few years ago, now it is rare to find a college that doesn’t offer online subject courses. Colleges have embraced the idea of distance learning and the ability to serve a greater number of students without investing time and faculty presence for a traditional class. If you are hesitant about taking an online class or doing your degree online, then kindly read on for a bit more info about this rapidly growing trend. Continue reading


Top Psychology Schools in the USA – Infographic

top psychology schools USAThe consistent growth of the field of psychology has resulted in the initiation of a number of degree programs. Accredited degrees are offered by the best psychology schools in the United States, which are famous for their top quality education and proficient faculty. Some of the top schools which have been paving the way for psychology to become a key part of the curriculum of tertiary level institutions are Stanford University, the University of California, the University of Pennsylvania, Yale University and the University of Michigan. Continue reading


10 Free Online Psychology Courses and Lectures

college courses onlineIf you’re a psychology student or you’re just plain interested in learning more about psychology in general, you should know that there are a large number of online resources to educate you on this complex and fascinating subject. Highlighted for you here are 10 online psychology courses and lectures for you to study on your own, and what’s more–they’re free.

Introduction to hosts this free video–a lecture presented by Professor Paul Bloom of Yale University. In this thorough and thought provoking introduction to psychology, Professor Bloom covers the five principal areas of psychology: neuroscience, development, cognitive, social, and clinical. This introductory lecture also aims to answer many common questions regarding the human mind and it’s correlation with behavior. Continue reading


Psych 101 – Introduction to Psychology – Lecture 4

As we continue to explore the biological basis of human behaviour, the focus shifts to the topic of sensation. In this lecture we examine the roles of stimuli and receptors, define key terms such as absolute threshold, sensory adaptation and just noticeable difference (JND), look at detailed structures of our major sense organs and discuss the different ways in which we experience the world through our senses.

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