Category Archives: Abnormal Psychology

Articles on Abnormal Psychology – the scientific study of aberrant patterns of thought, emotion and behavior.

How Do Semax and Selank Work as Anti-anxiety, Anti-depression, and Anti-inflammatory Agents?

Semax and Selank for anxiety

Selank and Semax are synthetic peptide drugs that may have a big impact on the mental health industry. Both have been studied extensively and have been shown to have significant therapeutic potential. Perhaps their most noteworthy effect is their ability to alleviate anxiety, depression, and inflammation. They may also help to boost cognitive function. Continue reading


How the Science of Psychology Influences Mental Health

Psychology and mental health

In an era where the importance of mental wellness is gaining widespread recognition, grasping the link between the science of psychology and mental health is essential. By studying psychology we can unravel the intricacies of the human mind and emotions, and tackle life’s hurdles effectively. Join us on a journey to uncover the influence of psychology on mental wellness and understand its potential to enact positive changes in our lives. Continue reading


Exploring the Effects of Magic Mushrooms on Mental Health

Mental health benefits of magic mushrooms

Psilocybin has shown promise in the last 20 years for the treatment of mental and behavioral health issues. It is frequently connected to recreational usage and the counterculture of the 1960s. The substance, which is found in “magic mushrooms,” activates the brain’s serotonin receptors to produce psychedelic actions. According to research, it can help in the controlled treatment of psychiatric diseases like depression. The number of active chemicals in each form of mushroom can vary. This makes the effects of magic mushrooms dependent on the dosage and variety consumed. Continue reading


9 Ways to Soothe Your Mind When in Distress

how to improve your mental health

We all experience moments of distress in our lives. It could be due to a stressful situation at work, emotional upheaval or simply the feeling that we are overwhelmed by life’s demands. In such times, it is important to find ways to soothe your mind and regain inner peace. Fortunately, there are many simple things can do to calm down, bring back balance into your life and limit distress. Continue reading


The Ripple Effect of Financial Stress: How It Affects Your Mental Health and Social Life

what is financial stress

Today’s financial landscape is more fraught with financial problems and debt than ever before. The advent of the credit card, the extreme increase in college tuition over the past several decades and the resulting ubiquity of student loan debt, rising housing and living costs, and more have made debt an increasingly common reality. And unfortunately, this trend does not come without significant repercussions on people’s mental health.  Continue reading


Navigating Medical Insurance for Rehab: 6 Things You Need to Know

Medical insurance for Rehab

Are you considering rehab for yourself or a loved one? Seeking help and treatment for substance abuse and addiction is an important step toward regaining control of your life. However, many people are intimidated by the idea of navigating the often complex medical insurance system to make sure they get the coverage they need. That’s why we’re here – to give you all the information you need to understand medical insurance for rehab and how it can help provide access to necessary care. In this blog post, we’ll be covering 7 key topics that will enable you to better understand and navigate this often tricky process. So if you have questions about finding coverage and paying for rehabilitation services, read on! Continue reading
