Tag Archives: phobia

Phobias: Definition, Types and Features

what is a phobiaAll of us, at one time or another, have experienced what it means to be afraid. Fear is a normal feature of human existence and serves an adaptive function in that it triggers reactions which allow us to respond to danger or threat. At times, however, fear can become excessive, disturbing and out of proportion with reality. Persons who experience such abnormal fear are described as having a form of anxiety disorder known as a phobia.

The term phobia refers to an intense, irrational fear of a particular object or situation, whether real or imagined. The fear is so severe that it interferes with the individual’s daily functioning, restricting their activities and causing much distress. In many cases, individuals experiencing phobias recognize that their fears are irrational but feel helpless to control them. Continue reading


Phobia ABC’s – A List of 50 Weird Things People Are Afraid of

scared young boyClinical psychology defines a phobia as a persistent and usually irrational fear of a specific object or scenario, often disproportional to the actual danger posed. People will go to great lengths to avoid their phobias, but when an encounter is unavoidable, sufferers typically endure the event with acute distress.

Some phobias are very common. For example, many people exhibit a fear of heights or a fear of small enclosed spaces. Other phobias though, might be a bit more….err….”unique.”

Consider our alphabetized list of weird phobias below: Continue reading
