5 Best Kratom Strains for Anxiety and Stress

kratom anxiety cure

We live in a fast-paced world where there’s pressure to work quickly and complete assigned tasks while simultaneously managing a thousand other areas of our lives. It can become super stressful to keep up and follow through with everyone’s expectations, including our own. Many people develop anxiety as a result of trying to maintain this type of hustle and bustle lifestyle.

Interestingly, there are several natural herbal remedies that help with both feelings of anxiety and stress. One of the most well known all natural treatments is kratom. Kratom is a naturally grown Southeast Asian tree, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa. It is part of the coffee family, but unlike coffee, kratom does not make you feel jittery if you fail to take the correct dosage.

There are five recommended kratom strains that may help to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety you may feel on a daily basis. These include Red Borneo, Green Malay, Red Thai Kratom, Maeng Da, and Red Indo Kratom. Let us have a look at each of them. There are a few ways to intake Red Borneo Kratom, read more to know about them. You can get your hands on the finest strains on the Kratom Krush website.

5 Kratom Strains for Stress and Anxiety 

It is important to remember that kratom is not a cure-all that will completely get rid of anxious feelings and stress forever. After all, it is natural and healthy to experience anxiety and stress in some situations. However, kratom can help you to manage the negative symptoms associated with overwhelming levels of stress and anxiety.

  • Red Borneo

Red Borneo kratom is a great option for anxiety and stress relief. This strain, like many of the others we will mention, has high levels of alkaloids that bind to your brain receptors. This sends messages throughout the body to relax and even numb minor pain. It’s used by many as a beverage for relaxation, and small dosages can go a long way toward providing relief.

  • Green Malay Kratom 

Malay Kratom comes from Malaysia and is often used by the local people to manage feelings of frustration and tension. It is claimed to help relax the body and mind. Many users of this strain say they feel a slight euphoria that makes them feel optimistic about the future. Overall, it is a well-balanced strain that is great for people who work long hours and need to get through important job assignments. 

  • Red Thai Kratom

Red Vein Thai Kratom is another popular kratom strain that is grown and cultivated in Thailand. Anxiety and stress can sometimes make you feel as if your body and mind are shutting down. Your energy levels may drop. Red Thai is one of the best strains that provides optimal energy. It is a great option to get your day started on the right note.

  • Maeng Da

Maeng Da is by far one of the most popular kratom strains on the market. This is because it’s one of the most potent strains and it provides amazing effects. Maeng Da offers sedative and analgesic effects that won’t make you feel overly tired or drowsy. There are red, green, and white color strains. White Maeng Da is a favored color because it can lift your mood and energy. Red Maeng Da is great for relaxation and is a perfect choice if you want a more calmer approach. 

  • Red Indo Kratom

Indonesia grows and cultivates a variety of different kratom strains. One of the best options for anxiety is Red Indo Kratom. It can be used in social situations where you may feel anxious, as it will relax and calm your mind and body. 

How to take Kratom for Anxiety and Stress

Kratom comes in different forms, the most popular being powdered tea and capsules. The powdered tea has a strong, earthy taste that some people may not be able to enjoy at all. If you wish to avoid the tea, you may choose to take capsules. Both products are reported to work well, but some people say they feel stronger effects when kratom is taken in its powdered tea form.

Powdered kratom tea is most often mixed with water. It is recommended that you take kratom on an empty stomach, a few hours before or after a meal. 

If you’re a beginner to kratom, start off with a low dosage. A good starting point for most people is around 1-2 grams. The longer time you’ve taken kratom, the higher the dosage you can take. Your weight and age may also impact the amount of kratom that works for you. However, it is advised that you do not exceed 10 grams in a single dose as it may cause side effects.

While the FDA has not approved the use of kratom for anxiety and stress, many people have reported the benefits of using this all natural herb. You can purchase any of the previously mentioned kratom strains online from reputable kratom experts. 
