4 Tips to Help You Beat Your Anxiety

how to cure anxietyAnxiety is a mental health issue that doesn’t discriminate. If you have it, then you know how terrible and life-altering it can be. It’s hard to talk about anxiety. It isn’t something that is widely discussed, and many people are too embarrassed to admit they struggle with it. But there are ways to manage your anxiety, even if you don’t think that you have any control over it. Here are four things to do on a day-to-day basis in order to help manage feelings of anxiety.

1. Exercise, Meditate, and Relax

Getting your body moving with a good workout session is one of the best ways to beat anxiety. Physical exercise releases endorphins, boosts confidence, and reduces stress. It doesn’t have to be a long or grueling session, even going for a brisk walk after work can be enough.  

It is easy for us to forget how powerful meditation can be in terms of anxiety relief. There are a lot of great apps and websites out there that you can use without even having to leave your bedroom, such as Headspace and Calm. You can also look into Don’t Panic Do This which suggests several methods of managing stress. These apps have countless videos, which will guide you through different forms of mediation. Meditation on its own is a simple and easy practice, and it can be done anywhere from your bedroom to the beach.

Another important part of managing anxiety is learning how to relax. Some people may prefer to relax by dancing to their favorite song or watching a comedy show on TV. Other people may need to get out of the house. Going outside and doing something that you enjoy, like reading or painting, is a great way to burn off excess energy and calm your mind. The trick is to do whatever it is that makes you happy, even if it may seem silly at first. Having a nice cup of tea also helps.

2. Avoid Caffeine and Reduce Sugar Intake

Caffeine is a stimulant that can alter your mood in a negative way. It is able to stimulate your body’s fight or flight response. After drinking coffee, the world’s most popular source of caffeine, some people may feel jittery as if they are experiencing a frightening event. In fact, caffeine may actually trigger an anxiety attack in some individuals. So skip the coffee and try caffeine-free tea.

Sugar is another substance that can make you feel more anxious in the long run. Sugar gives you a short burst of energy, but then leaves you feeling sluggish once it wears off. When your energy levels drop your mood may sour and your anxiety levels may increase. A healthy diet can give you the energy you need without the emotional rollercoaster.   

3. Find Time To Sleep

Many people with anxiety conditions don’t realize how important sleep is. Sleep refreshes your body and helps you to fight diseases. Getting enough sleep every night helps you to function at your optimal level and boosts your productivity. However, a lack of sleep can make you feel more anxious, irritable, and unfocused. 

If you are having trouble getting to sleep, try keeping a digital clock in the room so that you can see just how much time is passing throughout the night. You can also wear ear buds to eliminate distracting noises or use thick drapes to reduce the amount of light that enters your bedroom. 

4. Don’t Skip Meals You Need

As mentioned earlier, eating a healthy, nutritious meal is important. Your brain needs  energy from the food you eat in order to function well. You also need to make sure that your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs each day. If you have a sluggish mind and body you are less likely to keep negative thoughts and emotions under control.

Although fasting can be healthy and may actually increase mental clarity for some people, it does not work for everyone. This is because different people may have different circumstances and dietary needs. If your body needs energy, fuel it with healthy foods such as nuts, seeds, veggies, and fruit. Over time, a healthy diet will help to improve your physical, mental and emotional health. 
