Achieve A Healthy Mind Using 5 Fantastic Apps

Feeling great is not solely about being strong and muscular. Let’s be honest, you don’t smile when you come down for breakfast merely because you can run a marathon faster than most people your age. Likely, the reason you feel happy is because your mental powers are healthy and you are in a positive frame of mind. The simple truth is, when your mind feels great, you do too. Today, we’ll look at a few mobile apps that can help foster habits that promote positivity and lasting happiness.

Gratitude Journal

Lots of great things happen to you on a constant basis. They probably happen so often that you likely forget them right away. However, when trying to cultivate lasting happiness Dr. Barbara Markway recommends the following:

Look around your environment and take note of one thing that you often take for granted. Bring mindful attention and awareness to this. Try to engage all your senses. Notice the positive feelings and associations that go with it. Try to hold onto this awareness for 15-20 seconds or so, to let it really sink in.

The point is,  remembering all the great things in your life is really beneficial. The Gratitude Journal app lets you record the things you’re grateful for in the hope they’ll stay firmly in your mind even during the bad times.

Calm – Meditation and Relaxation 

Do you ever feel yourself getting so stressed out you don’t even know how you’ll get through the day? If so, then you should definitely download the Calm app. With several guided meditation sessions to choose from and a variety of nature scenes to look at, this app will help you to relax no matter how stressed out you are.

Equanimity – Meditation Timer & Tracker

Another great meditation app is Equanimity. This app lets you time your meditation sessions, which is fantastic because it allows you to give your mind a complete break until the buzzer goes off.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock

Most people enjoy going to bed when they feel tired, but nobody enjoys getting up in the morning. Have you ever felt horrible after waking up, despite having gotten enough hours of sleep? One reason people awful when they wake up is that their alarm clocks startle them out of a deep sleep. The Sleep Cycle app has the ability to monitor your sleep pattern during the night and it will only set your alarm off during a light sleep cycle.

Fig – Personal Wellness

If you want your mind to be as healthy as possible then it helps to be constantly hitting your goals. You just can’t beat the satisfaction you feel when you achieve something you challenged yourself to do. Fig will let you set goals and it will push you to achieve them, whether it’s walking more during the day, going to bed earlier at night, or completing a marathon. You can even join a community so you can share your goals with like-minded people and walk the road to positivity together.



All images are author owned

Jenny Wadlow, the author of this post, works for Freedom Lift Systems, providers of the best handicap lift systems. In her spare time, she reads fiction and pursues her passion for travelling.


Markway, B.(28 October, 2013). 15 habits to cultivate lasting happiness. Psychology Today. Retrieved on November 7, 2013 from
